Credits Rolling @ Mockingjay Part 2 |
Hi all! It's been a while since my last post and since it's officially the infamous Monday we all dread waking up to, I thought I'd do a bit of my weekend recap. And may I just add that it was a VERY eventful weekend?
So, Mockingjay Part 2 finally premiered on Thursday and I went to see it with two of my friends, Sam, and Brenna, both of whom I have mentioned before. Officially, we had bought tickets for the actual midnight premiere at 11:45 PM and as we got so excited for it, we decided to meet up a couple hours earlier at Camino Real Marketplace. Sam and I arrived at around 4:00 PM and Brenna came at
Brenna & Sam @ Premiere |
around 5:30 PM. After we had eaten dinner, I spotted a line and we immediately snatched up a spot in line and I went to my car to get blankets, Brenna went to hers to get snacks and Sam saved our spots in line. We set up our little comfy zone and sat for maybe a little under thirty minutes when one of the theatre employees came out and said, "Just making sure, everyone's in line for the 7:30 showing?" And all three of us exchanged glances. Wasting no time, Brenna and I went to the ticket booth and were successful in switching the showing times AND the three of us got wonderful seating. I definitely need to pay attention to all of the showtimes because apparently midnight premieres don't actually take place at midnight... Otherwise, the movie was phenomenal! I thought it was put together really well and gave the audience a great sense of closure. I would recommend seeing it if you've seen the past movies!
Entering the Hunger Games |
On Friday, I woke up at 6:30 AM and finalized all of the classes I wanted to take for the following semester. Unfortunately, BIO 100 is always highly impacted, so I couldn't snag myself a spot in that class. Hopefully I'll be able to take it over the summer! When you don't have priority for registration, it feels like you're in the Hunger Games all over again. Later in the afternoon, I took my cousins and my grandma to the new ice skating rink. If you've never tried ice skating before, let nothing hold you back and just try it! I promise you it's not as scary as you think it is. I personally still don't really know how to ice skate, but with a couple more visits, I think I could manage without holding onto the wall, haha.
Grannie & Cousins at the Ice Skating Rink |
Saturday left me in a food coma and I don't know how I survived it! My family went over to my aunt and uncle's house where we celebrated an early Thanksgiving because they'll both be in Minnesota on the official Thanksgiving Day. It was a potluck dinner so I made Mashed Potatoes and Pumpkin Spice French Macarons for dessert. We had the traditional Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, and just so much many other dishes I can't even begin to name them! Instead of the turkey being stuffed, I was...
On Sunday, I spent my day catching up on schoolwork and just had a couple of hours to relax and close up my weekend. And now, it's Monday and I'm feeling the Monday blues. Definitely missing the weekend, but definitely looking forward to only having three days of class for this week. Hope you had a wonderful Monday.
See you next post,
Currently listening to
We Won't by Jaymes Young and Phoebe Ryan
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