Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday the 13th

 It's Friday the 13th, everyone! The number 13 generally represents unluckiness and amplifies peoples' beliefs in superstitions. Silly things like opening an umbrella while you're indoors or walking underneath an open ladder can cause you to have a varied amount of years of bad luck! I'm not exactly sure where this originated from... BUT as a child, I am absolutely guilty of believing in these little things! If my mom ever opened an umbrella inside a store to see the size of it, I swear that I would get sweaty hands and I wouldn't be able to think. All I would be thinking about is, "Oh jeez! Mom! Why did you do that? Now we'll be getting seven years of bad luck!" Honestly, I have no idea where this idea of bad luck from opening an umbrella, a black cat crossing your path, or walking underneath a ladder.
PC: Twitter -  @VictorQuest
Onto more serious matters, a terrorist attack in Paris, France took place and more than 150 lives were taken today. While most of them were living their everyday lives, attending a concert, and watching a soccer game the thing they least expected to happen, happened. About ten months ago, France endured a terrifying attack, where twelve victims lost their lives at Charlie Hebdo. The country, still recovering from the unexpected and unfortunate situation, underwent another detrimental attack tonight. A global movement took place and hashtags such as #PrayforParis and #PeaceforParis were spread. Being alive in a place where there isn't much violent activity, I can only be thankful for where I am. I can't even begin to imagine the stress that all of the Parisians are experiencing right now. Without a doubt am I sending my love, prayers and care to the country. 

See you next post,

Currently listening to We Are One by RUNAROUND

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