Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day!

Working hard on making a card!
For many of my fellow single friends, do not fear because February 14th is not a day where we can't celebrate! In the past couple of years, I thought that Valentine's Day doesn't matter much to me—that it was a day solely for couples to exchange chocolates, flowers, and go out to dinner together. But this year was totally different! Maybe I'm going through a crisis because I realize that I'm going to be moving this year and I have to take advantage of and appreciate everything. I think it started with the Ambassadors' Valentine's Day card making event that took place yesterday! My friends, David and Jessica, made the event incredibly fun even though we were expecting a small turnout. However, the turnout was the exact opposite!
Our material scattered across the table.

I brought four packs of scrapbooking paper and 55 rolls of decorative washi tape and we were also provided with scissors, stickers, glitter glue, and chocolates. I made a couple of cards for my friends and some of my friends made me cards. I think because we brought tons of awesome material and the Ambassadors were really welcoming, we were able to attract more people than we thought. At one point, the table became so full that we ended up pulling chairs from all different directions of the library. I felt bad because there were a couple of students who were waiting to make a card, but there wasn't enough space at the table.

In my last post, I discussed being insecure about the way that the advertisement looked, but I'm actually so proud of it. Two students who came to the event said that they saw the posters which oddly made me feel like I had accomplished so much! I think it's amazing how my work reached students I don't even know. With tons of enjoyment and comfort, I was able to meet really lovely and kind-hearted people just in time to get into the spirit of Valentine's Day! So I say this wholeheartedly: Happy Valentine's Day from the bottom of my heart to yours!

See you next post,


Currently listening to Drive by Glades

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