These past couple of weeks have just been full of rain, so much that Santa Barbara areas have been flooding, including SBCC and my front yard! I know it's not a very popular opinion, but I absolutely love the rain. I could continue my everyday schedule in the rain perfectly fine, but the rain also provides a very laid back and relaxed atmosphere, so when I'm home, I can focus on whatever I need to do, calmly!
Fun fact: My car's name is Teresa |
So what I did today was focus on finishing all of my homework, did some studying (yes, already), lots a lots of laundry, homework, and cleaned my entire room! The Ambassadors were supposed to have a retreat today at SBCC, but I believe the school or the lots or both were flooded and all events carried at school were cancelled. Obviously, my schedule was cleared so I prepared for a stay-at-home-all-day day! I was so productive, I have to admit, haha. I almost forgot to mention that I just finished all of my supplemental applications for college so that's really exciting! I can't BELIEVE that in 15 weeks, I'll be done with SBCC. It's so weird.
So weird... Anyway, lots of plans in store for this semester! I'm hoping to land myself another part time job in order to save up for college when I transfer. It's going to be very very interesting... My friend, Brenna, and I met up on Thursday and hung out for a while and she told me that while in the shower, she had this random thought of needing to build up her credit score. She's a freshman in college. When I was a freshman in college, I was thinking of the same thing too! This whole adulting thing is so unbelievable and I never thought I would mature so quickly, but it happened and without me knowing. I know this semester is going to be a toughie, but I will pull through!
See you next post,
Currently listening to
Changing by John Mayer
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