First of all, one of my favorite artists, Ed Sheeran, made his comeback after a year long hiatus and both of the songs that he released on Friday were simply amazing. I can’t wait for the entire album to come out! The songs have been added onto my playlist, played over and over, sung to more than plenty of times and I’m just obsessed.
Although the end of winter break is near, it kind of forced me to really plan and set times for my friends and I to meet up. Now that we all live in different cities, states and countries, we get to see each other maybe once to three times a year which is so little in comparison to seeing each other in high school every day. In the past week and a half, I’ve seen my friends Maya, April, Brenna, and Sam… AND I’ll still be seeing Sam and Brenna this upcoming Wednesday for a new photography/modeling project! That’s also another thing is that I’m getting way more in touch with my creative outlet and just letting my mind loose to brainstorm all kinds of things I didn’t ever take the time to think about.
Expanding on the creative outlet thing, it’s wave week—essentially orientation for incoming international students; they get to register for classes, take placement tests, meet new friends—and I’m on a new committee in the Ambassadors program! This semester, I’ll be in a committee who focuses solely on creating, directing and producing videos for SBCC’s international office and the Ambassador program. (P.S. Fellow blogger, Elisa, is the leader for this committee!) Throughout today, I took a mixture of photos and videos that will soon be strung together to create exciting and new content. I’ve never really put together a documentary-style video! I’m just used to setting up a tripod, my light, and singing!
I guess just because 2017 is starting off well, my expectations should still remain low so I don’t get let down easy, haha. I’m excited to see what else will be happening this year.
See you next post,
Currently listening to Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
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