Wednesday, August 31, 2016

TB IV: Why I Get Up

Get up for a coffee!
There are so many reasons why so many of us don’t want to get up in the mornings. The reasons can range from something as petty as a blaring alarm clock or something as serious as a pang of sadness running through our bodies, but having experienced a majority of these reasons, I still try to find a reason to get up every morning.

Overlooking Portland from
Powell Butte Natural Park
As all of my friends who are attending schools outside of SBCC are beginning their first week of college, I’ve been seeing copious amounts of Facebook statuses and Twitter posts declaring their dissatisfaction towards their return to school… and also screenshots of their back-to-back alarms on their cellphone. I have an idea of why school has earned such a infamous reputation, but I’m confused as to why students feel so strongly the need to exclaim the horrors of the back-to-school season.

A student myself, I love school. Yes, there are mornings and days where the minutes seem like hours or nights filled with intense lecture notes spread across my desk, but when I’m not at school, it feels like a part of me is missing. The truth is, I’m kind of a nerd! My thought is I’d rather be busy than doing nothing at all. There are so many positive reasons I decide to get out of bed and that’s not just because I have an exam or I have to turn in an assignment, but rather something along the lines of being able to enjoy the sun or the chatter of my peers around me. Get up for breathing in the sea air, to see your family's faces, or for a relaxing walk. It’s just so good to be alive!

If you’re having trouble coming back to school and adjusting to a set routine again, prove to yourself that you have a purpose to fulfill today. I hope you had a wonderful first week and a half of school. (Happy Hump Day!) You are so much stronger than you think you are.

See you next post,


Currently listening to Goodbye Forever by Us the Duo

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